Children and descendants of

List of known descendants of Robert Dow and Janet Whyte of Kinross, Scotland
Dow 1
Children and descendants of John Dow (Jean Laurie)
Helen and Jessie (Charles Taylor), children of John and Jean
Families of Jean Taylor (George Goodall) and Helen Taylor (George Foweraker), their grandchildren
Dow 2
Children and descendants of Jessie Taylor (George Battye) James Dow (Elizabeth McLaren)
Jessie and James, children of John Dow and Jean Laurie
Dow 3
James Dow (Elizabeth McLaren) son of John Dow and Jean Laurie
Mary Dow (Alexander Donaldson) and John Foe (Agnes Lamond)- children and descendants of John Dow and Jean Laurie
Dow 4
Jean Dow (John Gray) daughter of James Dow and Elizabeth McLaren
Children and descendants of Jean Dow and John Gray
Dow 5
John Mclaren Dow (Margaret Finlayson) and Robert Dow (Ellen Watt)
John and Robert sons of John Dow (Janet McLaren) and grandsons of John Dow and Janet Laurie
Dow 6
Alexander Dow (Agnes Beveridge) and James Dow (May Gay)
Alexander Dow - son of John Dow and Jean Laurie
James Dow - son of Robert Dow and Janet Whyte
Dow 7
Janet Dow (William Gibson), Margaret Dow (Robert Duncan) and Agnes Dow (James Chapman)
Janet, Margaret and Agnes - grandchildren of Robert Dow and Janet Whyte
Dow 8
Sarah Meldrum (James McNicol) and John Meldrum (Maggie Buist)
Sarah and John - greatgrandchildren of Robert Dow and Janet Whyte
Dow 9
John Meldrum (Mary Taylor), Charles Meldrum (Christina Hodge), May Meldrum (William Allan)
Families of John, Charles and May
John, Charles and May - children of John Meldrum and Margaret Buist
Dow 10
Children and descendants of John Meldrum and Margart Buist cont.
Children and descendants of David Meldrum and Jane Heggie
John and David, sons of John Meldrum and May Dow
Dow 11
Children and descendants of David Meldrum and Jane Heggie cont.
Children and descendants of Andrew Meldrum (Margaret Brown)
Andrew son of John Meldrum and May Dow
Dow 12
Children and descendants of May Dow (John Meldrum) cont.
May Meldrum (David Campbell), Robert Dow (Janet Couston)
May, daughter of John Meldrum and May Dow and granddaughter Robert and Mary; Robert Dow, son of James Dow and Mary Gay
Dow 13
Children and descendants of Robert Dow (Helen Black) cont.
John Dow (Jean Henderson), Roger Dow (Jean Ferrier), Annie McLennan Dow (William McMurray) and William Cuthbert Dow (Mary O'Reilly)
Grandchildren and descendants of John Dow and Ann MacLennan and great grandchildren of Robert Dow and Janet Couston
Dow 14
Children and descendants of James Dow (Helen Coventry).
Janet McLaren Dow (Thomas McLaren), Helen Dow (Robert Syme), Robert Dow (Elizabeth Hodge), Christina Dow (John Reid), Mary Dow, James Dow (Elizabeth Williams)
Janet, Helen, Robert, Christina, Mary, and James grandchildren of Robert Dow and Janet McLaren; great grandchildren of James Dow and May Gay
Dow 15
Children and descendants of James Dow (Janet McLaren).
David Dow (Agnes Ford), Margaret Dow (James Stuart)
David and Margaret grandchildren of James Dow and May Gay
Dow 16
Children and descendants of Janet Dow (William Gibson).
William Gibson (Ann Cavanagh), Mary Gibson (Robert Cockie)
William and Mary grandchildren of James Dow and May Gay
Dow 17
Children and descendants of Janet Dow (Charles McDonald).
Robert McDonald (Mary Anne Graham), Charles McDonald (Bridget Conaboy), Margaret Dow (Robert Duncan), Mary Duncan (William Seal)
Robert and Charles grandchildren of Charles McDonald and Janet Dow; great grandchildren James Dow (Mary Gay)
Mary Duncan daughter of James Dow and Mary Gay; great granddaughter of Robert Dow (Janet Whyte)
Dow 18
Children and descendants of Agnes Dow (James Chapman).
William Chapman (Addie Allen), James Chapman (Bertha Poggensee)
Agnes daughter of James Dow and Mary Gay; great granddaughter of Robert Dow (Janet Whyte)
William and James sons of James Chapman and Agnes Dow; grandchildren of James Dow and Mary Gay

* For printing or viewing complete ancestor list. There are no links on this page to the Family Group Sheets.

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